Dubai is Probably the Best Place to Be a Cop

Dubai is Probably the Best Place to Be a Cop

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dubai car police

Dubai is really in their own world. It sprang forth from absolutely nothing and sand in just a scant few years. And is becoming one of the hot spots for both travel and business, Dubai is anything not but success.

In that success though, Dubai has become a supercar Mecca, much like Monaco once was.


However, due to the success and wealthy population that spends its newfound money on supercars, the Dubai police force has had to up their game quite substantially.

It has quickly become the most enviable police force in the world with police cars ranging from G63 AMGs, to McLarens, and even a few Bugatti Veyrons.


To showcase this fleet of supercar police cars, the Dubai police force made a short video showcasing its most prized possessions. Take a look.

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