Hey, Tesla! Trust Us, We’re Car Dealers.

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North Carolina’s Senate Commerce Committee recently approved legislation which would prohibit Tesla, and all other auto companies, from selling their products direct to consumers. This is akin to banning farmer’s markets and forcing consumers to shop at supermarkets. Sounds absurd, right? But apparently the Commerce Committee would prefer Tesla to open dealerships within the state and sell vehicles traditionally, thereby cementing dealers’ middleman position. It is safe to assume that they are not acting on their own impetus, rather at the prompting of the NCADA’s (North Carolina Auto Dealers Association) political action committee—the NC AutoPAC. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Tom Apodaca (R), received the state maximum donation ($8000) from the NCADA last year.

Indeed, Tesla’s business model could threaten their very livelihood. What if every automaker suddenly decided to sell direct to consumers and merely have storefronts where people come to check out the cars and test-drive, then order online? The problem is that the NCADA has couched their argument in altruistic terms that even the most trusting and optimistic observer would have trouble swallowing, “The whole point of the retail system is to protect the consumer,” according to Robert Glaser, president of the NCADA. He then offered all those present underbody rust-proofing for a very low price [editor’s note: not really].

The problem for dealers is: if they fight, they can’t say ‘we don’t want companies circumventing us because we like money.’ So they must pretend to be standing up for poor-little-Mary-the-consumer. But this makes them appear like [shocker!] scummy car dealers. If the NCADA and other states’ car dealers associations decide not to fight, they risk manufacturers (new or old) bypassing the dealer network to move cars. Either way though, dealers lose. With their current strategy, however, they reinforce stereotypes and alienate potential customers. Agree or disagree?

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