Comedian into Cars Hit Getting Coffee

Comedian into Cars Hit Getting Coffee

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Jerry Seinfeld

You know that feeling when you just get your Fiesta backed into by some idiot not looking in their mirrors. It’s way worse when the car being backed into is a 1973 Porsche 911 Carrera RSR. That’s exactly what happened to comedian and Porsche crazy person Jerry Seinfeld the other day.

The comedian was minding his own business when he heard the distinct sound of something crushing vintage metal and ran outside to see a woman in a new BMW backing up into one of his prized possessions. The woman according to Road and Track showed absolutely no remorse and seemed confused as to why he would be so upset with her.

Jerry Seinfeld

She did offer her information and insurance but Seinfeld sent her on her way stating, “The idea of having her in my life for one more second was intolerable.” He didn’t get into how seriously the car had been damaged, but considering he has an entire Porsche garage, I think the car will be back on the road fairly quickly, but that isn’t the point. Seriously people, how hard is it to drive and park a car?

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