Ferrari SUV? “You Have to Shoot Me First,” Says Sergio Marchionne

Ferrari SUV? “You Have to Shoot Me First,” Says Sergio Marchionne

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Or so can be deducted after FCA boss and chairman-extraordinaire, Sergio Marchionne made the stern remark: “You have to shoot me first”, when asked if an SUV is in Ferrari’s future vehicle portfolio.

One can only deduct that means—no. Actually. Heck, no.

With recent tension building around Ferrari’s stock price, many auto industry and financial analysts wondered and speculated about the need for a mass-production, one-size-fits-all vehicle from Maranello. Clearly, such rumors were directed toward a crossover or SUV of some sort. Specially given the success story that is the Porsche Cayenne.


Marchionne stated that Ferrari will remain an exclusive product crafted to the highest standards, and that the mythical prancing horse will be safe and sound as long as the deliver exactly what their customers need, and not under or over-produce vehicles.

It seems that as long as Sergio Marchionne remains at the helm, he’s willing to put his life on the line to keep Ferrari’s purity intact. Which I find quite sweet.

Go, Sergio!

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