911 GT3 Crashes, Flips, Looks Like a Very Expensive Turtle

911 GT3 Crashes, Flips, Looks Like a Very Expensive Turtle

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flipped 911 GT3

If the driver was indeed street racing, then it might be easier to look at this beautiful 991-generation 911 GT3 lying on its back, doing a fine impression of $130,000 turtle. But not much.

First of all, the guy reportedly survived. So he’s got that going for him. Which is nice. Unfortunately, we don’t really know that many more details about how this 911 GT3 wound up wheels up. Well, we do know he was going far too fast for that turn. (He probably knows that now too.)

AutoEvolution first reported that the accident happened while street racing, which puts a whole new horrible spin on the story. But it would at least feel a bit more karmically judicious. And you also get the benefit of imagining one crazy street race, with the Lamborghini Aventador, Lamborghini Murcielago, and Porsche 911 GT3 RS PDK all well represented.

But according to the video’s description, which was updated after AE‘s report, “Roads were closed and they were doing an official shooting. It was not street racing.”

So that’s good, at least for this guy’s legal bills. Although to be honest with you, we don’t even know in what part of the world this all went down. So who knows what’s legal? All we really know is that’s an awful thing to happen to a perfectly beautiful Porsche.

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Via [AutoEvolution]

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