Asshat Mitsubishi Evo Owner Almost Wipes Out Biker

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As a motorcycle rider, there’s nothing more dangerous than some idiot either on their cell-phone, or applying make-up in their mirror when out there in the real world. People already tend not to see motorcycle riders, and even when contact happens, the car driver or asshat will automatically assume that the rider was at fault because they’re being “dangerous.”

Thankfully, with the advent of helmet cams and GoPros, there’s mounting evidence that in fact, the drivers are truly responsible for these actions. Thankfully, this next video isn’t a cautionary tale for car drivers out there, but one that highlights the asshattery of many drivers out there. All of which was captured by the helmet cam of a motorcycle rider.

Here we have a clapped out Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. The driver appears to blow a stop sign, swerve into the lane of travel the motorcycle rider is attempting to go into, and then promptly crash. People, seriously, don’t be an idiot on the road. Save the trick stuff for when you have a track all to yourself. Otherwise, you can really hurt someone.

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