Aston Martin’s 2014 Vanquish at the LA Auto Show

Aston Martin’s 2014 Vanquish at the LA Auto Show

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Aston Martin's 2014 Vanquish at the LA Auto Show
“Striking” is a word that get’s tossed around a lot when discussing Aston Martin. Often times it’s accompanied by the words “handsome” and “expensive”. But there’s a reason for that, and it’s because they’re absolutely true. The 2014 Vanquish isn’t any different in that regard.

People like to complain about Aston Martin’s styling getting old and they are, in a way, justified. They’ve been using this same platform for all their cars for quite sometime now, and the result is that they all share a similar shape. Now, this could be interpreted as laziness in design by those without eyes for detail, but for the rest of us with eyes, it’s easy to see their new cars are different. None more so than than Vanquish.

Sure it has the same shape as the other cars in the Aston’s lineup, but that’s where the similarities stop. The biggest departure from the outgoing model is along the bottom. Carbon fiber accouterments and hard lines break up the classical Aston swoopy-ness making the Vanquish look extremely aggressive. It’s a shame the car was stuffed into a corner here when it should’ve be under the lights of the main-floor. Preferably, next to Jaguar.

The only other car in Aston’s booth that could’ve upstaged it is Bond’s DB5, which was also in a criminally bad spot for pictures. Still we got a few shots of it.

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