Can’t Drive 55? Well, It Will Cost You

Can’t Drive 55? Well, It Will Cost You

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The nerds at Consumer Reports just did a study on the loss in fuel economy that occurs when you drive at speeds greater than 55 mph. Using five cars (an Accord four-banger, Toyota RAV4 and three different Ford Fusions) the results were quite conclusive:

Driving 200 miles at 75 instead of 55 shaves an hour off your trip. But in the cars we used, it also wastes 1½ to 2 gallons and costs about $5 to $7. For every thousand miles at 75 mph, you’re increasing carbon footprint by 7 to 10 gallons and throwing away about $30.

Check out the full story at Consumer Reports, then watch the Sammy Hagar video after the jump!

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