Check Out the Lamborghini Huracán LP580-2 in Action

Check Out the Lamborghini Huracán LP580-2 in Action

By - lamborghini huracan

“The word automobile literally means movement, transportation.” Cars, they’re just here to get us from point A to point B, right? Mundane, unlikable, just making our lives easier. If transportation was the only reasons cars existed, we would all be driving boring, boxes on wheels.

Welcome to the Wild, Beautiful World of Lamborghini.

There is a reason Lamborghini builds things called “supercars.” They’re beyond the reach of normal–beyond the reach of you and I. Yet, we spend our time geeking out over them, knowing all too well that owning one is likely fantasy. The role of a supercar is to be unobtanium and otherworldly. It’s a car, yes, but the way in which it operates and proceeds down a road should be unlike any other vehicle on it.

To put it plainly, a Lamborghini is candy, surrounded by a world of vegetables–completely unnecessary, yet totally lovable. Just ask the guys over at Motor Trend. This particular flavor of candy is called the Huracán LP 580-2. Let’s decode that: LP 580-2. It stands for Longitudinal Posterior (Engine longitudinally-mounted, in the back), 580 (Metric) Horsepower – 2 Wheel Drive. The car is down on power and maximum RPM from the LP 610-4, but ditches power at the front wheels, saving weight. That’s okay, because the naturally-aspirated, 8,500RPM V10 just screams as it surges towards the red line. Yes, the baby Lambo has gone rear-wheel drive, which is a very good thing.

More importantly, losing the AWD helps reduce understeer, what many consider to be the Huracán’s biggest downfall. Understeer is a decidedly not manic, Italian characteristic, thus it was vanquished. Plus, the 580-2 is also the “cheapest” version of the Huracán, starting at just under 200K. What a bargain.

Watch it in action and admire it for exactly what it is: a breath of fresh Italian air in a world filled with just too many “cars.”

[Source: Motor Trend]

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