Someone Crashed Chris Brown’s Lamborghini, and Simply Left It There

Someone Crashed Chris Brown’s Lamborghini, and Simply Left It There

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chris brown

Typical Douchebag Chris Brown, Crashes Typical Hollywood Supercar

It doesn’t take much to dislike a guy like Chris Brown. Not only has he been convicted of beating women, but the guy loves to pick fights and be condescending to people. Most recently he was banned from Lifetime Fitness gyms for life due to crude behavior and spitting on personnel.

In more recent news, a Lamborghini Aventador registered to his name was severely crashed in a Beverly Hills neighborhood. By the look of these photos courtesy of TMZ, the shunt wasn’t a light one. In fact, it looks like a rather heavy hit.

chris brown

Several photographs show the right side of the raging bull heavily damaged, as well as most of the front fascia. In addition, it’s not clear whether the driver’s airbag deployed, but we would guess the passenger’s most likely did. Judging from the photographs, the driver of the Aventador must’ve lost control, smashed into something, and then spun around to damage the other side of the vehicle.

chris brown

According to Police reports, it’s unclear whether Chris Brown was actually driving the vehicle. Sources say it could’ve been a friend of his, who Brown was not aware was out driving his ride. Furthermore, the Lamborghini had recently been fitted with a Misha Design body kit, gold-coated Savini wheels.

Anyone need a few Lambo spare parts? Just help yourselves!

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