Watch Chris Harris Drive a Spectacularly Beautiful Ferrari

Watch Chris Harris Drive a Spectacularly Beautiful Ferrari

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I get that Chris Harris and the entire /DRIVE crew has worked their asses off building that company up from nothing. But that still doesn’t make me any less jealous of him when he gets the opportunities to drive things that are worth more than some third world countries total GDP. Enter the Ferrari Tour de France.

The car is specifically a 1956 250 Tour de France that makes about 240-270 hp out of a V12 stuck firmly at the front. The car also has a massive racing history, even on dirt! It’s spectacularly beautiful and worth somewhere around $7-9 million when it comes up for auction next week. But if anything can be said about vintage Ferrari prices, that might seem a bit low as of late.

Chris got the chance to drive this epic beast around the holding facility for the RM auction with RM’s chief man. I know I said I’m jealous at first, but now in thinking about how much that car is worth, how much history it has, and how much I don’t get paid, I’d be a wreck driving this car. Have at it Mr. Harris, just please don’t crash it, you would hear the world wince if that happened.

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