This Rather Colorful Ferrari 599 GTO Could Be Yours for…

This Rather Colorful Ferrari 599 GTO Could Be Yours for…

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There isn’t a more powerful badge in the automotive world than the GTO badge from Ferrari. The Italian manufacture has only created three GTO models in its illustrious history, and all three of them are pretty darn badass. Now it’s your chance to own the newest one of them.

For what Mecum expects to be around $900,000 bucks, this 2011 Ferrari 599 GTO will go through the block at the upcoming holy grail of auctions; the Mecum circus at Monterey. This particular red and white combination GTO surely is pretty (except for the wheels), and that’s why it’ll command a pretty penny.


While that estimate is rather high, one must remember the ways of the GTO, specifically the very first model. The 1950s GTO is officially the most expensive car in the world, commanding over 50 million dollars on private listings. The second generation GTO Frankenstein looking thing is already selling for 2 to 3 million dollars depending on condition and location worldwide, so if you think about it, this $900,000 investment could easily multiply five-fold in a couple of decades.

So, do any of you have a million bucks I can borrow? I’ll pay a handsome interest (errrr in a few years…)

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