Dream Drive: Lamborhgini Countach Versus Lamborhgini Aventador on Mountain Road

Dream Drive: Lamborhgini Countach Versus Lamborhgini Aventador on Mountain Road

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aventador chasing countach

It’s Rocky versus Tyson. The Countach is arguably the Lamborghini that started it all. The Miura was a svelte bombshell but the Countach had the most real estate on bedroom walls, and its angular look continues to this day. V12, tires as wide as Texas, seats as vertical as a church pew.

The Aventador is the new mack daddy. The V12, the most powerful yet, revs SO fast. Hitting the gas in first it revs so fast you think your tires are sitting in pools of oil and spinning freely, until you see trees and light posts going by at a rate that feels much faster than 700HP is capable of. It’s big, it has AWD, and you change gear with paddles.

Many people assume that the newer the car, the better, especially in reference to Italian cars. Faster, more comfortable, electronics that actually turn on, etc. Better car? Technically, yes, but is it the better car? That’s the question Matt Farah sets out to answer in this video from The Smoking Tire.

Source: The Smoking Tire

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