In-Depth Look at the Alpha Omega Nissan GT-R

In-Depth Look at the Alpha Omega Nissan GT-R

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If you’ve been paying attention to this site for any period of time, you’ll most likely know that we’ve been covering the all out drag racing war between the guys over at AMS Performance and ETS. Their dueling R35 Nissan GT-Rs have been going head to head for awhile now, and both have traded places for the fastest GT-R ever a few times.

With AMS Performance as the current champs, something that ETS is not likely going to take lying down, the outfit thought it would be interesting to give a further, in-depth look into what makes the Alpha Omega GT-R so special and so amazingly fast.

One publication put it this way, “if you really give the AMS GT-R some room, it will outrun a freaking Concorde (to the end of the runway)-which has a takeoff speed of 225 mph.” Just let that sit with you a second, a road legal car can get to its top speed faster than a jet that could make the trip from New York to London in under four hours. That’s biblically fast, and nothing short of astonishing. Check out the video below.

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