Drool Yourself Dry Over This 1980 Porsche 930 Turbo

Drool Yourself Dry Over This 1980 Porsche 930 Turbo

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This is a 1980 Porsche 930 Turbo owned by a chap named Krister “Sibbe” Svahn. We can say this Svahn guy knows how to put a car together. He has tastefully drizzled modernity over this classic Porsche’s shell, and we absolutely adore it. If we were to present an 86-minute keynote about this car, we would use the words “incredible” and “remarkable” 207 times just like they did at the Apple iPhone 5s unveiling back in September of 2013 when we originally published this article. It is now September of 2016 as we update this for throwback relevance.

If you want the full story behind this car, head over to Speedhunters … there’s about 86 minutes of reading you can do over there, but if you’re happy with the story this Porsche presents just through the power of the still image, check out the gallery below.

via [Speedhunters]

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