Fatal Crash at The 24 Hours of LeMans

Fatal Crash at The 24 Hours of LeMans

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simonsen 24h

Heartbreaking news out of the south of France this weekend when the Aston Martin of Allan Simonsen crashed heavily at the Tertre Rouge. Soon after the crash Simonson succumbed to the injuries he sustained. He was 34-years-old.

The Dane was a veteran driver, having raced in the previous 24 hours of LeMans. He also had over ten years’ driving experience racing professionally in both GT cars and Australian V8 Supercars and Utes.

Simonsen and his Aston Martin were the class pole-sitters for this year’s race at LeMans.


For those who wish to view the videos of his accident they are embedded below. The first video is a live reaction from speedtv. The second is from the Corvette following Simonsen at the moment of his crash.

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 01:27 PM.