Rare 5-MPH Ford GT Up for Sale

Rare 5-MPH Ford GT Up for Sale

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Unique $300,000 Prototype Has $45,000 Carbon Fiber Engine Cover, Mustang Steering Wheel and Minivan Parts

Whether you’re adding your first, or your fifth Ford GT to your stable, this very, very, very special black Ford GT should be on your radar. Oh, but there’s one (really big) downside. It has a 5 mph speed limiter.

Headed to Russo and Steele’s Arizona auction next month is the very first second-generation Ford GT prototype, dubbed the CP-1. I’m not talking about a test car, or even worse, a press car. I’m referring to the very first working mule that engineers, designers and mechanics put together. According to the story behind this black stallion, components were sourced from all across Ford’s part’s bin, therefore being equipped with some questionable items.

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As a result, you’ll find a Ford Windstar’s steering rack, and a Mustang’s airbags and steering wheel inside CP-1. Yup, nothing but top-notch parts in this priceless piece of history. A more pleasant surprise are the signatures found scattered across the interior and exterior. Autographs by Bill Ford, designer Camillo Pardo, and even Carroll Shelby have been perfectly maintained through the years. And as Brian Silvestro from Road & Track said, “Is there anything Carroll Shelby hasn’t signed?” The answer, Brian, is no.

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CP-1 reportedly came up for sale earlier in 2016, when its current Long Island owner reportedly asked $300,000 dollars for it. The reason why it didn’t sale is unknown, as is the reserve for when it goes under the block at the end of January. If you think the price is high, it’s worth noting that “normal” Ford GTs of that generation run around $250,000 nowadays. Furthermore, the carbon fiber engine cover in CP-1 is valued at $45-grand! How about them apples?

An expensive carbon fiber engine cover on a Ford GT that goes 5 mph. Because prototype car.

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