Looking for a Formula One 3-Seater? Here’s Your Chance!

Looking for a Formula One 3-Seater? Here’s Your Chance!

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Have you ever been out at the track, and just felt totally bummed because you couldn’t give your best buds a ride on your”normal” F1 car? Say no more…

Thanks to Heritage F1, you now have the chance to turn that frown upside-down, boost your ego, and become everyone’s favorite friend—again! How? By buying a Formula One 3-seater race car. Duh!


If you’ve been following F1 for awhile now, you’re probably familiar with the now defunct Arrows racing team. While Arrows never amounted to much in the big scheme of things, they were always one of the beloved little teams of Formula One, and gave a couple of big names their first shot at racing. Like most racing teams nowadays, they created stunt-cars for marketing campaigns, and to offer big money sponsors cool experiences. With the hopes of getting more cash of them, of course.


This 2001 Arros AX3 3-seater can fit a driver, and two passengers that sit behind and to both sides of the pilot. The interior of this crazy looking racer is completely purpose-driven, and every ounce of its weight (and V10 engine) is designed to maximize speed, grip, and overall performance. According to one of the designers, “The Arrows AX3 has been designed to give a truer experience than ever before of what an F1 driver sees and feels from the cockpit, a lot has been written about acceleration, g-forces and braking capabilities of these racing cars, but now we are furthering the opportunity to give people an appreciation of what it is really like,” said Walkinshaw.

Unfortunately the price has not been disclosed, but you can always reach out to seller if you feel you’ve got deep pockets!

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Photos via: [HeritageF1]

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