Hail to the King: Eddie Bello’s 1300hp 964 Wins Texas Invitational 6Speed Challenge

Hail to the King: Eddie Bello’s 1300hp 964 Wins Texas Invitational 6Speed Challenge

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The Texas invitational wrapped up this weekend. While there were plenty of great races and incredible cars to talk about, there’s one car that stands out. Eddie Bello and his twin-turbo 964 absolutely killed it.

The Texas invitational is one of the most impressive races around just because the level of the competition is so incredibly high. This isn’t your local dragstrip. All of the competition here push power numbers north of 1000hp. There were new Vipers with twin-turbos, the twin-turbo Gallardos from underground racing, and a few late model Porsches. So, you can imagine how surprising/impressive/incredible it might sound to hear they all got beat by a hopped up beetle.

When I say “they all got beat” I’m not being hyperbolic. Bello managed to beat five different underground Gallardos on the strip. In a race against Bob Helms lambo, he broke a rocker arm and still won.

There’s really no dispute: the dude’s a beast. I don’t know what is going on under the back-end of that white 964, but I’m just going to assume that it’s magic. Congratulations Eddie!

Want more? Head to the thread to see Eddie’s car in action!

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