These Cars Reimagined as Star Wars Characters Are Incredible

These Cars Reimagined as Star Wars Characters Are Incredible

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In a little longer than a month’s time, the seventh film overall and first of the newest Star Wars trilogy will hit theaters and likely obliterate any and all records that have ever existed in Hollywood. From now throughout the remaining days of what’s left in the crazy year of 2015, you’re going to see Star Wars-branded and themed things everywhere. Dinner plates, shoes, baby bibs, cell phones, fast food meals, and anything else somebody thinks can bring in profit will get the Stormtrooper treatment. Yes, even cars.

These imaginary renderings might not be for sale (unless they decided to make them into prints), nor are they real vehicles that you can touch and drive, but they’re absolutely creative enough to share. Done up by the same Car Wow guys in the UK who imagined Mad Max, these are the cars they suspect Star Wars people would drive if they lived here.


The characters included are Wedge Antilles, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, a Stormtrooper, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and Jar Jar Binks. As for the cars, you’ll see versions of an Alfa Romeo, an SRT, a BMW, a Lamborghini, an Acura, a Mazda, a Mercedes-Benz, and a Nissan.

We’d love to show you all the amazing digital creations right here, but Car Wow did a great job on this and their hard work 100 percent deserves an extra click over to the site to see the rest of them. Check ’em out.

Via [Car Wow]

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