Hilarious Potential Names for the New Top Gear

Hilarious Potential Names for the New Top Gear

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The old boys from Top Gear are currently facing a clusterf#ck of emotions as they’re trying to come up with a new name for their upcoming Amazon automotive show.

Just imagine the responsibility, the mental burden, the monumental task of having to come with a name that not only has to live up to their previous legacy, but also compete with the BBC’s Top Gear brand, which will continue under the direction of Chris Evans, Matt LeBlanc, Eddie Jordan and a few others…

Here are a few names that have been thrown out by thedrive.com, and although hilarious, they’re not quite multi-national show material. Then again, I don’t have any suggestions so I probably shouldn’t offer my two cents:

  • Punch Buggies
  • Prime Knobs
  • We’re Better Than Joey From Friends
  • Chris Who?
  • The Bolshy Yarblockos
  • Op-tay Ear-gay
  • Thanks, Jeff Bezos!
  • Bottom Cog
  • Floppy Paddles
  • HamMaySon
  • The Fat and the Fartious
  • Amazon’s Done a Car Show
  • Biggest Budgeted Carshow (A.K.A. BBC)
  • Shift heads (hilarious)

Sadly, the usage of anything with the word Top, or Gear, could result in a legal litigation nightmare that would most likely outlive the hosts of either show themselves. Which means the fabulous trio of hosts needs to come up with a brand-spanking-new name that doesn’t even remotely assimilate their old show.

That’s a tall order, friends. Good luck!

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