Jaguar Cancels C-X75 Super Car

Jaguar Cancels C-X75 Super Car

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Jaguar Cancels C-X75 Super Car
Say it ain’t so! Jaguar has pulled the plug on their C-X75 super car, citing “current global economic conditions” and “higher priorities for the Jaguar brand.” I’m not sure what would’ve been a higher priority than making this:

Jaguar Cancels C-X75 Super Car

… a reality. More cars should look like this. Though, admittedly, I can understand their hesitance: the car would’ve cost well over a million dollars. That’s not exactly a volume seller. Not to mention the tech they were using for propulsion was… Unique.

Still we’re sad to see it go. The C-X75 started with the promise of using gas turbines in conjunction with electric motors for propulsion. Soon after, they decided that idea was crazy, so they swapped in a custom built, extremely high revving 500hp 1.6 liter twin-charged four-cylinder engine. Oh yeah, it was also supposed to be a plugin hybrid.

Maybe this car was too weird to live.

There are five engineering prototypes that will still be around. Two of them are going to be sold to collectors, while Jaguar uses the rest as a technology test-bed. Will some of the weirdness that made the C-X75 cool, leak down to the rest of their line-up? Who knows. There’s a good chance the electric drive train will find it’s way into some other hybrid application. Hopefully they’ll find some place for that crazy little four-banger other than the garbage can.

via [autocar]

Head to the forums to discuss the end of this crazy concept here!


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