Watch the Koenigsegg One:1 Get Ridiculous

Watch the Koenigsegg One:1 Get Ridiculous

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Alright, we all know that the folks at Koenigsegg already practice a dark, black forest style of wizardry that summons demons from the depths of hell and then chains them in place where usually an engine would go.

Koenigsegg builds hypercars, plain and simple, and their newest hypercar, the cataclysmic One:1 is truly the beast Dante talks about in his Inferno.


To illustrate this better, while during a shakedown test of the new One:1, Koenigsegg’s test driver did the same 0-300-0 km/h run that set the world’s fastest production car record with their Agera R.

The Agera R did this in just 21.19 seconds. The One:1? 17.95. Just to let you grasp the ridiculousness of this time, that’s 0 mph to 186 mph then back down to 0 mph in just 17 seconds. That’s ludicrous speed from Spaceballs fast.


But to make it just that bit more crazy, Koenigsegg’s test driver did this without touching the wheel once. Seriously, he set off and lets the wheel go. Watch, and prepare to pucker.

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