The LA Auto Show is Coming. Soon.

The LA Auto Show is Coming. Soon.

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This has to be the best promotional image for a car show ever. I mean, it’s literally an invasion of cars. They’re swarming out of a mother ship like the aliens from Independence Day or Ender’s Game. If J.J. Abrams failed as a director and got stuck designing movie posters, they’d probably look a lot like this. Next thing you know, the Tokyo Autoshow is going to have Godzilla knocking over building in a giant GT-R.

… I have never wished for better skills at Photoshop more than in this moment.

In any case, we’ll be covering the LA Auto Show next week. They’re claiming over 50 debuts of new cars. I already know there’s a new WRX on the way, and a new Mini,  and (probably) a new Jaguar. We’ll just have to wait an see what the bigger marquees have in store. Porsche is planning on building a new limited edition Speedster, but the release date for that car is 2015. I doubt they’d show off their special edition 911 at Los Angeles. Then again, they did debut the new Cayman here last year.

We’ll see. What do you think’ll show up at LA? Let us know in the comments!

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 03:50 AM.