Lamborghini Aventador Serves as Fantastic BBQ

Lamborghini Aventador Serves as Fantastic BBQ

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Lamborghini Aventador Sausage Barbecue Home

Who needs a Char-Broil grill when you can barbecue meat with your Lamborghini Aventador? Let me rephrase that question: What billionaire needs a Char-Broil grill when she/he can barbecue meat with a Lamborghini Aventador?

Could cooking meat in a Lamborghini’s unburnt exhaust gases be the most frivolous culinary method? Until we see someone cook a rib-eye steak underneath a satellite rocket, we’ll say yes.

If you want to see some British guy putting the heat to his sausage in James May’s shirt, hit the video below.

via [SCD TV and Road & Track]

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