McLaren P14 Surprises Everyone With Instagram Appearance

McLaren P14 Surprises Everyone With Instagram Appearance

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McLaren P14 Image Appears on Instagram, and Makes Us Drool Like Idiots

The McLaren P14 rumor was born at last year’s New York Auto Show, when the British automaker announced their plans for a 650S replacement. Many speculations about the successor’s engine specs, layout, and overall construction have surfaced since. But now, now we have answers. Sort of…

Instagram user @woppum took the online car community by surprise when he uploaded the picture of a McLaren P14 in Volcano Orange. The caption admits that it’s not a super clear photo of the orange beauty, and that it’s also not his own shot. He credits a different Instagram account, though said handle doesn’t appear to have ever published the P14 photo.

McLaren hasn’t released any official photos of the coveted machine despite the “accidental leak.” We aren’t sure where this photo was taken, but it by the looks of the cracked cement floor it wasn’t at a fancy gala. Also, there are only men surrounding the P14, and they majority of them are wearing big winter coats. So clearly it rules out a middle eastern VIP preview.

Fans have speculated the twin-turbocharged V8 engine featured in previous models to carry on to the P14. Some say that with revised tuning, said motor could crank out upwards of 700 horsepower. Despite of the engine specs, it’s easy to tell the body has been primarily shaped in the wind-tunnel. The sleek P14 is bound to be an extraordinary performance regardless of its final horsepower and torque numbers.

McLaren has hinted for a global debut at the Geneva International Motor Show, which is only six weeks away. Stay tuned!

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