Watch the Monegasque Forego Civility and Go Bonkers!

Watch the Monegasque Forego Civility and Go Bonkers!

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Most of the Principality’s supercar owners avoid hooniganism, and are well-behaved and respectful of the law. That’s until they encountered a crowd and a tunnel, of course!

Monaco is one of the fanciest and most charming “countries” in the world. To many budget travelers, it’s a great place to enjoy a latte and a croissant while people-watching. To others, it’s the pinnacle of supercar spotting. The narrow streets of the billionaire’s cliff-side paradise are saturated with the world’s best exotic cars, and unlike many other cities, the parading is an all-day affair.

Famous spotter and Youtuber Marchettino recently visited the famous Principality, and he encountered something rather unusual. The chirping of the birds and sound of the crashing waves were replaced by roaring engines and squealing tires. This video will show you exactly what we’re talking about, and it surely won’t disappoint.


A plethora of magnificent machines ranging from a Liberty Walk Nissan GT-R, a Ferrari 458, and even BMW M3 can be seen falling victims of peer pressure. The mob of car spotters encourage the drivers to forego their fine pedigree and get down and dirty with the tourists. After all, YOLO.


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