My Favorite Drive of 2015? The Dodge Charger Hellcat

My Favorite Drive of 2015? The Dodge Charger Hellcat

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2015 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat - 20151012_164800

Look, I’ve driven a lot of pretty sweet cars this past year. I was able to lap the famous Road America circuit in Wisconsin behind the wheel of the Mercedes-Benz AMG GTS. I nearly got air in a Ranger Rover Sport SVR on some back roads in Texas. I took an Alfa Romeo 4C Spider along the coast of Maine. All-in-all, I must say that 2015 was a great year for driving some pretty cool cars. But at the end of the day, I have a favorite. And it’s not exactly what you’d expect on this site; the 2015 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat.

Yes, the interior is straight out of the Charger SXT with better seats and steering wheel. Yes, it weighs the equivalent of the Queen Mary. Yes, it’s by no means a sports car. But it’s one of those irrational vehicles that doesn’t make sense on paper. It’s a big sedan with a nuclear missile under the hood, and that’s what makes it awesome.

2015 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat - 20151012_164941

But what makes it even better is how livable it is every day. I know it’s almost cliche at this point to talk about how easy the Hellcat is to drive, but it’s true. You don’t feel on the razor’s edge when you’re driving it to get groceries. You can’t imagine that it’s the most powerful production sedan on the face of the planet. It drives like… a car.

Until you put your foot down. Then it’s more of like the Millennium Falcon screaming towards the jump to Hyperspace. I have no doubt that this car COULD do the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.

It’s ridiculously fast. It’s comfortable. It’s easy to drive. It’s also reasonably affordable. There are very few cars that can be all things to all men, but the Dodge Charger Hellcat is one of those cars.

What do you think? Let us know over in the forums!

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