MY RIDE! A Remarkable Porsche Boxster S

MY RIDE! A Remarkable Porsche Boxster S

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To hate, or even to vaguely dislike, any Porsche seems like something that could only exist in one’s imagination. After all, these rides are beautiful through and through — from their gorgeous exterior to their marvelous amount of power and still further to their outstanding handling and track performance. To find another car so well-rounded one would… well, one honestly couldn’t find a ride as all-around perfect as the vehicles that Porsche produces.

6SpeedOnline member Danny (A.K.A. “DannyK“) is the proud owner of one of these superb rides, and today we’ll be stepping into his garage and taking a closer look at the beauty that lies within!

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To be more specific, Danny is the proud owner of a remarkable Boxster S, painted in a wonderful silver hue and sporting a very vibrant red interior. This is Danny’s second Boxster S, and in the three years that he’s owned it, it still looks just as perfect as when he made the purchase. He loves his ride, as we’re sure all Porsche enthusiasts — and sports car enthusiasts as a whole — would also.

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This convertible is clearly in good hands, and we have to admit that we’re jealous just looking at it! Go stop by Danny’s garage and leave some comments, browse the photography, and have a great time! Be sure to keep your garage up to date and maybe you’ll be featured next week on MY RIDE!

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