New Nürburgring Layout Debuts After Deadly Crash

New Nürburgring Layout Debuts After Deadly Crash

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Following Jann Mardenborough’s horrific crash at the wheel of his Nissan Nismo GT-R race car last year, Nürburgring’s management decided to make track layout and surface modifications for the safety of drivers and spectators.

If you’re a Nürburgring aficionado, or you’ve played it on Forza Motorsports or Gran Tursimo video games, then you know the track is famous for its many blind corners, changes in elevation, and most of all—jumps.

Sadly, the popular Flugplatz section where Mardenborough wrecked, has been officially flattened, and widened, which you can notice on this video by xthilox if you pay close attention.

While removing the bump will certainly lower the risk of vehicles going airborne, it’s to everyone’s surprise that the run-off area wasn’t expanded, specially as the new “streamlined” design allows for even faster speeds than before.

Thankfully, the catch fence has been upgraded and should hopefully keep fatalities from ever happening again.

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Photos via: [VLN]

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