There is No Substitute for Porsche Replacement Parts

There is No Substitute for Porsche Replacement Parts

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Recently on Reddit a Porsche parts specialist released factory pricing on 918 Spyder replacement parts which are staggering, I’m not talking wheel sizes.

These champagne-taste replacement part prices give insight to the greater wealth and money that floats to automakers loosely, huge amounts. It also helps the elite know exactly what authorized dealers should be charging which offers an edge at the parts counter or over the phone when ordering bits for your 918 Spyder. Thanks to the connected world we’re able to see this insider information in pictures shown below detailing exact prices, scroll on!

The cats at CarBuzz who were one of the first to break the news sound like they aren’t too familiar with Porsche optional equipment, factory aftermarket modifications and replacement part pricing. They seemed a little too casual when respecting the craftsmanship quality of the part. Porsche isn’t outsourced, it’s insourced. It’s not insane it’s genuine Porsche; there is no substitute.

The fella at CarBuzz and many think the $260k engine replacement cost is unreasonable but I think it is the normal stratosphere. One reason for being so sky high is Porsche needs to break even with production costs. It’s always a goal for automakers to achieve the highest ROI which leads to replacement parts costs staying disproportionately high. For the rich this is lunch money. Scroll through to see more fascinating finds like the $9k brake rotors. Not a fan of factory replacement prices? China is sure to have 3D printed Porsche parts soon.

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