Is This the New Porsche Cayenne Waterslide Edition?

Is This the New Porsche Cayenne Waterslide Edition?

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Rich people can be a bit bizarre sometimes, and show equally mind-puzzling behaviors. Whether it is gold-plating cars, or in this case, using an early-generation Porsche Cayenne as a waterslide, it’s just bizarre…

In what might be the very first video footage out of Russia that is not from a dash cam, this clip by Блокнот Волгоградshows a group of people being fed up with the heat and the lack of a waterslide in a beach near the city of Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad.

Sure, some of these early Cayennes may be big turds. Heavy, under-powered, and awfully unreliable, they might as well become permanent water slides, but even keeping all of those things in mind. Stepping on a vehicle, getting it full of sand and whatever fluid they laid on the roof to slide on, is simply wrong.

While part of me things this is a fun and clever idea, I certainly won’t be trying this with any of my upcoming press cars!

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