Porsche Stolen from Driveway in Australia

Porsche Stolen from Driveway in Australia

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Can you imagine walking into your house for a second after starting your car, only to turn around and find that your car has been stolen? This happened to an Australian man that had his Porsche stolen from his driveway while he was inside the house.

Even worse, there seems to be a rash of these thefts. The news is reporting about cars being stolen while their owners are leaving them running outside. This is a slightly different case, as the owner says he went inside to get some cleaning rags as he notices his wheels where a bit dirty when he pulled outside.

Still, he even left the door open as he walked inside to get his rags, and at that moment a thief pulled by, hopped into the car, and then sped off. The whole thing takes less than 30 seconds. It really puts it into perspective.

But let’s talk about how crazy this entire scenario is.

First off, its “very chilly” in the area, so cold that people are starting their cars in the morning, but the man in the video is wearing a t-shirt. C’mon Australia, you are the land filled with some of the most dangerous animals in the entire world, and yet a sub 70-degree day is apparently all it takes to make you start your car in the morning?! Secondly, I love my car and I appreciate taking pride in ownership, but who pulls their car out of the garage and then inspects it to be sure it’s clean before driving to work?

Regardless, all is well that ends well, and this fine young man had his car returned to him the same day as the authorities tracked it down that afternoon. So, take this as a PSA to keep your car locked at all times, and if you live in Australia, just buy a long-sleeve shirt or a jacket or something.


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Christian Moe has been a professional automotive journalist for over seven years and has reviewed and written about Lexus luxury cars, Corvettes and more for some of the top publications in the world, including Road & Track. Currently, he contributes to many of Internet Brands' Auto Group blogs, including Corvette Forum, Club Lexus and Rennlist.

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