Learn About G-Forces in a Porsche 911 R

Learn About G-Forces in a Porsche 911 R

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911 r

Want to learn how to properly handle a world-class sports car like a champ? No problem, just attend one of the many Porsche driving schools spread out across the world, and after a few of them, you’ll know the difference between oversteer and understeer. I hope…

In this video by Porsche, professional racing driver, and Porsche Academy instructor, Patrick Long, explains a couple of rich dudes how to follow a white line, and use the many electronic nannies in the 911 R to keep them from spinning out of control. Seriously, this video is as exciting as watching your grandmother play Call of Duty on your Xbox.

What is exciting though, is to see the newly-untiled Porsche 911 R in action, even if its at the hands of some creepy dude with greased back hair, red reading glasses and overly tight jeans.

If you happened to stay awake through that video, there are a few more episodes of the “Driving lessons with the 911 R” series…

Good luck!

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