Wataru Kato Talks Liberty Walk

Wataru Kato Talks Liberty Walk

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Liberty Walk Wataru Kato

Outrageous fender flares are nothing new to the world of SEMA, however, when Wataru Kato stepped out onto the scene with his ridiculously low and flared Liberty Walk creations, the whole show stopped to catch its collective breath. Widebody Aventadors, Ferrari 458s, and Wataru’s very own Skyline all make up his creations. And no doubt, they are some of the most stunning creations ever to grace the SEMA floor.

So of course the GTChannel wanted to know what goes through the mind of the Liberty Walk owner and designer. They sat down with Wataru Kato to talk about his roots and about his insane creations, including his Skyline dubbed “Ken and Mary.” Take a look.

What do you all think of Liberty Walk? Are the hugely flared fenders just a fad, or is it something that will retain its popularity? Sound off in the comments below.

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via [GTChannel]

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