This is James Bond’s (real) DB5

This is James Bond’s (real) DB5

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This is James Bond's (real) DB5
And this time, we’re not talking about the miniature that he had in Skyfall. No, this is the real-deal, full fat, Bond car from Goldfinger, complete with cool gadgets. Spinning wheel spikes? Check. Ejector seats? Check. Oil squirters? Check and Check.

In all likely-hood, this is probably the most famous car in the world. As well it should be Bond is a global icon of manliness and unfettered cool, and his car is like an extension of that. It’s certainly not the best Aston ever, but it’s the only one can make Inspector Gadget look like a toaster.

While Bond’s machine was the focus of the Aston booth, they didn’t just ignore the rest of their product line. They put their brand new Vanquish on the dias. As cool as the DB5 is… The new Aston gives it a run for it’s money.

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