Wah! Poor Ferrari Owner Hates Driving in the City

Wah! Poor Ferrari Owner Hates Driving in the City

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ferrari in the city

Upon reading the title of this next video, “5 Reasons Why I Hate Driving My Ferrari in the City,” my first inclination was to let out a big sarcastic, Artie Lange inspired “wah!”

But that’s understandable, considering I don’t own a Ferrari (presumably, most Internet writers don’t) and I’d really like to. And I can’t understand why anyone would have a reason to hate driving one, regardless of where they “have” to drive it.

But after watching the.leviathan‘s entertaining video below, I can see that driving a Ferrari F430 around the mean streets of Toronto has its downside.

There’s parking issues, which force Leviathan to enter his trusty steed via the opposite side, a difficult proposition for a man his size. There’s bumpy roads that look like they’re leftovers from the Victorian era. There’s jaywalkers who could double up as Frogger obstructions. And there’s careless drivers who appear to be drinking too much Molson Ice.

But the biggest problem seems to be the all the haters in Toronto. Man, I always thought Canadians were nice. But these Canucks really like to spew the venom. I almost feel bad for all the verbal, side-mirror, and windshield abuse this poor guy takes.

And then I remember he’s driving a Ferrari, and I don’t feel so bad anymore.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [the.leviathan, CarBuzz]

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