Nein! Watch Walter Rohrl Put a Porsche 918 into a Wall

Nein! Watch Walter Rohrl Put a Porsche 918 into a Wall

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Walter Rohrl is one of my heroes. He’s one of the greatest racing drivers ever. If you go to YouTube and just search up Walter Rohrl, you’ll find countless videos of him executing ridiculous maneuvers at insane rates of speed throughout the world’s forests and racetracks.

I’ve even got a shirt that says “Rohrl with It” from Blipshift. He’s the kind of guy you could just have a beer with and listen to for hours and hours.

While being one of the greatest racing drivers ever, he is still mortal, and he still makes mistakes. And when he does make a mistake, or something goes wrong, it’s usually at an extremely high rate of speed.

Now, Rohrl has given up his racing driver life for a more easy going test driver job at Porsche. And as we saw a few weeks ago when Rohrl was flogging the new GT4 Cayman, the man can wheel. However, this next video shows it all going wrong very quickly. And what’s worse is that it’s in a Porsche 918 Spyder. Watch.

He almost saved it, but it just goes to show you, even gods among men can screw up from time to time.

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