G/Buy on Rennline GT Floorboards!!!
Rockitman - there are pics on the second pageof the thread I pasted into my above post. Also, Fred's first entry in that thread has a link to the manufacturer's site with pictures. This seems to be a passenger side only product.
luting_chen, I can imagine they want thier name on it and will likley not leave it off. However, we should ask Fred (or the guys at Akkurat that fondled it) if it can easily be removed... Fred, George, Brian, Jim, James, Tyrone - any thoughts ??
luting_chen, I can imagine they want thier name on it and will likley not leave it off. However, we should ask Fred (or the guys at Akkurat that fondled it) if it can easily be removed... Fred, George, Brian, Jim, James, Tyrone - any thoughts ??
Originally posted by luting_chen
add me please ^_^
add me please ^_^
1. Wardog
4. DPBlessing
5. Dr T
7. sld7
8. Sentipede
9. samel00 - steve
BAM !!
10. luting_chen
11. plstc (from Fred's thread)
Last edited by dpblessing; 04-01-2004 at 08:44 AM.
Originally posted by Duane
I will be in
I will be in
When I spoke w/ the mfgr this am - he said he had set up the online ordering system to accept the code "6speedonline" and to give the 12 count group discount. He says you can go ahead and order - just note that code (and I also noted it on the comments section to remin dthem to give the discount). The automated ordering system showed the full price at first, but then I got an email showing the credit amount to make it work out.
I think Wardhog may have additional info on this?
Order away! Thanks for the help, Doug (dpblessing). Here's a copy of the e-mail instructions from Rennline I recieved today.
just added a discount code to the web site for you guys. All you need to do is type in " 6speed" (without the quotation marks) in the redeem coupon box on the shopping cart page. This will give you 15% off and it is good until the 10th of April. Rennline
just added a discount code to the web site for you guys. All you need to do is type in " 6speed" (without the quotation marks) in the redeem coupon box on the shopping cart page. This will give you 15% off and it is good until the 10th of April. Rennline
Originally posted by WARDHOG
Ordered and was discounted as advertised. Got the brushed.
Ordered and was discounted as advertised. Got the brushed.
Now all I need is to find some black plugs to match my Ruf pedals and I will be all set!
Anyone have any ideas for a source?