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RocC4S 08-24-2008 07:02 PM

AMEN Brutha'

1999Porsche911 08-24-2008 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by Denis GTPRO (Post 2010342)
Ok. You are a complete jackass and apparently an idiot as well. Who do think think you are talking to? Are you reading your posts from a script? Because you say the same bull**** in almost every post. We build intake manifolds for a variety of cars, hold world records for several platforms for wheel horspower, have had a tuning shop for 14+yrs, and are PUBLISHED MONTHLY in performance buisness magazine for articles telling people how to run a run a performance buisness. As well as being efi 101 ceritified, and aem certified on standalone engine management. Dont preach how an engine works to me. You may have everyone on 6sp fooled with what your trying to do, But most people on this forum dont have the balls to call things like they see it and are to busy trying to be PC. I have about 50 cars worth of dyno data over approx 3 yrs saying you are full of ****. Every IMPARTIAL test done says your full of ****. AND...of the 100s and hundreds of people that have purchased the product, experienced the claimed gains are saying your full of ****. You know how deep i had to dig to find people who had a bad experience with the plenum? I could find 3 people. Find a new script to read from. You just insulted me again saying my intake manifold doesnt make power either. by this statement ,

"""""intake has done nothing but change the velocity of the air passing into the intake. There is no increase in the amount of air getting to the engine as measured by the sensor. I guess some people don't like to hear experiences contrary to what they believe"""""

My intake manifold CANT make power....i suppose i need to quit my job now because contrary to what my dyno says, flow analysis and track times say.

You are a tool, engineered to do nothing more than to talk **** on a product PROVEN AND PROVEN time and time again, not to mention calling me a liar and doctoring all the dyno results. i will not idly sit by and stand for this. EVERY single time you post misinformation and from your script from whoever is paying you to say all these things about this product, i will post RIGHT behind you. Meanwhile, you need to take classes on airflowand velocity and its effect on combustion.

So, if you are right, you should be able to explain exactly what the RSS plenum changes in the 996 NA engine to give it all that additional power. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to come up with something as I don't believe you even understand airflow.

And, maybe you can explain why so many posts on this forum, including respected Porsche shops, have shown that there was NO GAIN? I guess they must be nuts too?

Hey what about those air/fuel ratios? Did you even notice the change? hilarious

NineNineSixTT 08-24-2008 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by 1999Porsche911 (Post 2010364)
So, if you are right, you should be able to explain exactly what the RSS plenum changes in the 996 NA engine to give it all that additional power. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to come up with something as I don't believe you even understand airflow.

And, maybe you can explain why so many posts on this forum, including respected Porsche shops, have shown that there was NO GAIN? I guess they must be nuts too?

Hey what about those air/fuel ratios? Did you even notice the change? hilarious

1999Porsche911, I don't mean to be condescending towards you, but if i may ask, what background/experience do you have with the IPD plenum? From your posts in this thread it seems you have tons to say, yet you haven't stated any concrete facts. Do you have anything to say besides your self-indulgent opinions?

I must apologize if i am coming off negative towards you. It has become quite obvious to me with the various personal insults you have made towards other 6speeders, that you have ulterior motives. Have you had any personal experience with the plenum?

Personally, I did alot of research before installing the plenum on my turbo. I am very satisfied with the IPD plenum, I would recommend this to anyone who asks me. I suggest everyone to do proper research from this forum, and with their tuner/shop before listening to someone with obvious intentions.

Denis GTPRO 08-25-2008 01:06 AM

Im am not going to argue with an idiot, i would have to stoop to their level and i would get beat with experience. the ONLY tuning shop that has posted negative results from the plenum is AWE. Thats it. You swing from AWEs nuts. AWE was shipped an IPD plenum and they MADe theyre own out of sheetmetal infringing on the patent of the IDP plenum. AWE stopped making their plenum and posted negative results. its simply BAD BUISNESS and your ruining a product reputation because your a dumbass that is losing alot of reputation on these forums because you have been called out and i have posted to people what your about. The af ratios from the plenum have been tested we have documentation of them. The a/f is the same, i have the data from many of the tests (HOWEVER the data we have is not 100% correct) The testing results from the a/f data were taken after the cat every time, the a/f will always read HIGHER by approx.5-1 af point. The only way to get a true af reading is approx 12'' from the exhaust port and weld a bung in someones exhaust for our wideband sensor and not use a heater/vaccum 02 system like we had to use on people 80K+ test cars. Also to discredit you and to go even further in the actual hard proof your a dumbass pretending to know facts that no ones data can prove (ie, the IPD plenum doesnt work).

EVERYONE PLEASE READ this last part. This is good

You made 2 statements that dont make sense to me. You stated that the plenum DOESNT make power because it doesnt bring more air into the engine combustion chamber,,,,,,ok, i could see how someone could think that if they didnt understand the effect of velocity,,,i will lay off that comment because you dont understand.

whats gets me is the fact you said to watch the A/F ratios between the dyno runs with the plenums. If the a/fs are Leaner, the car makes more power this is true,,,,but in order for them to be leaner the car must bring in MOre air to the engine (by your theory), something you said the plenum doesnt do, make power or bring in more air to the engine.

EVERYONE knows your the spokesperson for NOT buying the plenum. You dont have to chime in every post and talk ****.
I dont undertsand airflow? im flown around the US to tune cars and must have an idea of the volumetric effeciency of engines in order to do the timing and fuel tables. I also design intake manifolds that make power. I run a well respected tuning facility, used by industry leaders and magazines because of my accurate dyno readings, experience, and impartial test results. Who the Hell are you? You have accused me of not knowing how to do my job, accused me of fixxing the dyno results and im pissed off no one has stepped up and said somethign to you by now. You are a FRAUD!!! You want to impress people and back something up PROVE IT. You can use my car, my dyno and you can do the dynoing and the install of the plenum back and forth. Take the deal and try and PROVE EVERYONE wrong, OR SHUT THE HELL up before i have you banned for slandering my shops name and reputation by spreading your lies. I am giving you an invitation to frely use my car and my dyno to prove your theory. Lets see if you have the balls.

1999Porsche911 08-25-2008 05:02 AM

Originally Posted by NineNineSixTT (Post 2010550)
1999Porsche911, I don't mean to be condescending towards you, but if i may ask, what background/experience do you have with the IPD plenum? From your posts in this thread it seems you have tons to say, yet you haven't stated any concrete facts. Do you have anything to say besides your self-indulgent opinions?

I must apologize if i am coming off negative towards you. It has become quite obvious to me with the various personal insults you have made towards other 6speeders, that you have ulterior motives. Have you had any personal experience with the plenum?

Personally, I did alot of research before installing the plenum on my turbo. I am very satisfied with the IPD plenum, I would recommend this to anyone who asks me. I suggest everyone to do proper research from this forum, and with their tuner/shop before listening to someone with obvious intentions.

I have never stated that the RSS Plenum does not provide additional power on an FI engine. Flow characteristics are far different than on an NA engine.

I am not the one selling anything here. Seems to me that you should be more interested in getting the sellers of these products to provide a reasonable explaination as to how their products produce these gains and what potentially risky changes their product may make to the engine.

1999Porsche911 08-25-2008 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by Denis GTPRO (Post 2010797)
Im am not going to argue with an idiot, i would have to stoop to their level and i would get beat with experience. the ONLY tuning shop that has posted negative results from the plenum is AWE. Thats it. You swing from AWEs nuts. AWE was shipped an IPD plenum and they MADe theyre own out of sheetmetal infringing on the patent of the IDP plenum. AWE stopped making their plenum and posted negative results. its simply BAD BUISNESS and your ruining a product reputation because your a dumbass that is losing alot of reputation on these forums because you have been called out and i have posted to people what your about. The af ratios from the plenum have been tested we have documentation of them. The a/f is the same, i have the data from many of the tests (HOWEVER the data we have is not 100% correct) The testing results from the a/f data were taken after the cat every time, the a/f will always read HIGHER by approx.5-1 af point. The only way to get a true af reading is approx 12'' from the exhaust port and weld a bung in someones exhaust for our wideband sensor and not use a heater/vaccum 02 system like we had to use on people 80K+ test cars. Also to discredit you and to go even further in the actual hard proof your a dumbass pretending to know facts that no ones data can prove (ie, the IPD plenum doesnt work).

EVERYONE PLEASE READ this last part. This is good

You made 2 statements that dont make sense to me. You stated that the plenum DOESNT make power because it doesnt bring more air into the engine combustion chamber,,,,,,ok, i could see how someone could think that if they didnt understand the effect of velocity,,,i will lay off that comment because you dont understand.

whats gets me is the fact you said to watch the A/F ratios between the dyno runs with the plenums. If the a/fs are Leaner, the car makes more power this is true,,,,but in order for them to be leaner the car must bring in MOre air to the engine (by your theory), something you said the plenum doesnt do, make power or bring in more air to the engine.

EVERYONE knows your the spokesperson for NOT buying the plenum. You dont have to chime in every post and talk ****.
I dont undertsand airflow? im flown around the US to tune cars and must have an idea of the volumetric effeciency of engines in order to do the timing and fuel tables. I also design intake manifolds that make power. I run a well respected tuning facility, used by industry leaders and magazines because of my accurate dyno readings, experience, and impartial test results. Who the Hell are you? You have accused me of not knowing how to do my job, accused me of fixxing the dyno results and im pissed off no one has stepped up and said somethign to you by now. You are a FRAUD!!! You want to impress people and back something up PROVE IT. You can use my car, my dyno and you can do the dynoing and the install of the plenum back and forth. Take the deal and try and PROVE EVERYONE wrong, OR SHUT THE HELL up before i have you banned for slandering my shops name and reputation by spreading your lies. I am giving you an invitation to frely use my car and my dyno to prove your theory. Lets see if you have the balls.

As I predicted, you are unable to even explain where the additional power comes from. I would think that someone making such claims should be able to clearly explain exactly what changes in the engine to provide the gains. Maybe you would have more credibility if you provided this explaination rather than claiming that all of us who have experienced no gains with the product are, "idiots", or "dumbasses".

You claim to have "all the data". Well, what is the increase in air volume to the NA engine using the Plenum? A/F?. etc.? You claim that this info is abundant and at your finger tips. Maybe they don't support your claims?

Oh, well, the readers will decide for themselves.

BTW. Since you would rather eliminate the challengers to your claims rather than defend your claims with a discussion, please follow through with your threat to have me banned from this forum. Doing so should help define you pretty well, I would think.

You see, unlike you, I am not here to impress anyone or sell anything. This allows me to call them as I see them.

YoopsRacing 08-25-2008 06:12 AM

Denis stop wasting time on this madness - this guy will never be convinced and frankly I don't give a damn what he has to say. Bottomline - it works for me on my NA 3.4 996 and I have zero regrets buying it, installing it and enjoying what it provides

RocC4S 08-25-2008 06:59 AM

For what it's worth, I'll chime in one more time here. I'm NOT an engineer, but I did spend 20 years in the high end car biz, 11 of that in the service department. Since that makes me an idiot, I will try to expalin this in laymans terms. The reason the plenum works is sheer velocity. The stock plenum is an unsmooth right angle entry into the manifold, the RSS is a smooth radius into the intake manifold much like porting/polishing. My analogy is that, is it faster for Lewis Hamilton to take a sharp 90 degree turn, or a smooth radius turn? Seems simple enough to me, obviously the radius turn!

It seems everyone that has installed one of these is happy with the results (myself included), don't knock it until you try it....

p0rsch3 08-25-2008 07:51 AM

wow, this is one dramatic thread. Denis I wouldn't bother wasting time, this is a no-win argument and I think we all know you know your stuff- As evidenced by your many helpful posts.

1999- Why do you care so much about arguing over someone elses product? Why not be helpful and post a complete DIY writeup on your resistor trick? I think it would be kind of cool to see a working low-budge mod. This forum is really more about member knowledge contributions than long drawn out threads proving who's right/wrong on something.

From what I know of IPD / RSS as a business, they seem to be standup hard working guys- I'm sure if someone bought the plenum and didn't like it they could get a refund. No harm, no foul for anyone right? Every pcar owner has the right for themselves to try a product as they please and make their own determination.

IMHO if there are more satisfied customers than non-satisfied customers, the product sells itself under it's own merit and can be considered successful. If the product is a sham, that would become clearly evident as well since the MAJORITY of pcar owners interested in modifiying their cars are fairly savvy. LOL - Case closed.

Anyway, I hope we can all move on to something more positive-

1999Porsche911 08-25-2008 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by p0rsch3 (Post 2010965)
wow, this is one dramatic thread. Denis I wouldn't bother wasting time, this is a no-win argument and I think we all know you know your stuff- As evidenced by your many helpful posts.

1999- Why do you care so much about arguing over someone elses product? Why not be helpful and post a complete DIY writeup on your resistor trick? I think it would be kind of cool to see a working low-budge mod. This forum is really more about member knowledge contributions than long drawn out threads proving who's right/wrong on something.

From what I know of IPD / RSS as a business, they seem to be standup hard working guys- I'm sure if someone bought the plenum and didn't like it they could get a refund. No harm, no foul for anyone right? Every pcar owner has the right for themselves to try a product as they please and make their own determination.

IMHO if there are more satisfied customers than non-satisfied customers, the product sells itself under it's own merit and can be considered successful. If the product is a sham, that would become clearly evident as well since the MAJORITY of pcar owners interested in modifiying their cars are fairly savvy. LOL - Case closed.

Anyway, I hope we can all move on to something more positive-

You're right that people need to make their own decisions. However, the cheerleaders for this product fail to address why so many users of their product see no increase in power. Maybe those who are on the fence about whether to buy one or nor should ask them to respond to that and explain how the NA 996 engine is effected by the Plenum. A scientist or engineer looks at all tests and all results and does not simply discard the bad ones without reason.

As of this time, it appears to me that they have no idea where the mystical power comes from. I am open for a full technical discussion on why they think an NA 996 engine benefits from their product, but they would rather just attack.

I quite enjoy their reaction. :D

p0rsch3 08-25-2008 08:10 AM

OMG... Oh well, I tried... Bro don't you ever quit?

nine9six 08-25-2008 08:25 AM

Originally Posted by 1999Porsche911 (Post 2010991)
However, the cheerleaders for this product fail to address why so many users of their product see no increase in power. :D

If SO many users see no increase in power then wouldn't they have posted and be pissed about it by now? I would assume that if someone would spend $1k for a product that does nothing would be venting day and night about it. Out of 10 plenum owners, how many are satisfied? how many are not?

again, no increase in power? how do you know? :confused:

RocC4S 08-25-2008 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by p0rsch3 (Post 2010995)
OMG... Oh well, I tried... Bro don't you ever quit?

No, I don't think he ever will. He would rather be bullheaded and sling negative comments to vendors. He obviously enjoys playing this game in some sick sense.

erubin 08-25-2008 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by 1999Porsche911 (Post 2009960)
You are practicing selective reading. There are even posts where people removed the Plenum if you cared enough to search. Voodoo on an NA engine. hilarious

Placebo effect at best.

I am not practicing selective reading. I am looking at the overwhelming majority that have responded positively. I have never seen a product on this board that has a 100% satisfaction rate and we probably never will. This is why I said most who have installed have been very satisfied, placebo or not.

RSSGREG 08-25-2008 10:01 AM

1229 sold to date and 3 returned. The IPD Plenum works and it works well.

If you like your IPD plenum, thanks for all your support. If you're not sure about the plenum, they come with a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee. If you just don't want one, that's cool too. If you're a radical IPD opposed "nut swinger" who is refreshing his screen every 10 seconds jonesing for your next soap box opportunity then there is nothing else I can say.


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