First attempt at Night Shots
First attempt at Night Shots
Wasn't happy with the quality next time I need to turn off auto iso and play around with the settings more.
Last edited by jumper5836; 03-07-2007 at 11:50 PM.
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Rest of the shots are here:
I started while it was still daylight.
I started while it was still daylight.
Not bad...get an good tripod, and start using manual mode, looking at the histogram to judge exposure...oh and shoot NEF' can tweek more without losing will need a RAW converter, I use Capture NX....
Yes I need to start using manual mode. Not sure of where to start what settings to start out with. Now that I have the settings that the nightmode used I can have something to work from. Definatly won't do iso 400, way to much noise or maybe just needed a slower shutter speed.
Any suggestions?
I want to do iso 100 or 200, the iso 400 shot's speed was 1/3 -1/4
Also auto white balance is off in low light being to blue and to red at very dark.
Any suggestions?
I want to do iso 100 or 200, the iso 400 shot's speed was 1/3 -1/4
Also auto white balance is off in low light being to blue and to red at very dark.
Get a book on photography....if you get a tripod, you wont need ISO's over can use long shutter speeds and wide apertures...use the meter..the camera will tell you whether you have a good exposure or not...the key is to expose for the subject without overexposing or underexposing the rest of the scene....If you shoot NEF's you can adjust the white balance after the fact to make sure its right.....