She got her first Wax Job...
I'm using some of special waxes from Zymol that contains over 60% white Carnuba wax now. I've tried the basic Zymol which has like 30 something % wax too and was very pleased.
Oh, everyone is in or just getting home from work; the tornados just passed through and the sun just came out.
Thanks guys. I had her out today for some exercise. I came outside with some shorts and sandals on and I didn't know it was only 50 degrees out all day; it was 70s yesterday. I ran back in; put on my Piloti's and grab a jacket and hit the seat warmers and out we went for a ride. Fun fun fun!
Hey. Thanks. You from Huntsville too? Cool. More than likely she will be there between May 1 - 3 for the Honda SuperBike Classic.