NR Auto
NR Auto
has anyone bought anything from them They sell replica kits are they exact replicas and do they fit well. They have what looks like a replica of the techart kit for the 997.
I really cannot comment on the quality of that particular item but make sure that if you ever think you may have to return the item back to them, that you have the return policy in writing. I just had some less-than-satisfactory experience with them a couple of years ago on a transaction.
If you are going into a place buying aftermarket parts - Factory Knock Offs - And expect them to fit like factory than you are kidding yourself.
I have dealt with NR in the past and the quality isnt bad- The guys are pretty easy to deal with ......There are alot of other places selling replica parts that are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse...
Just dont go in there expecting factory quality fitment at 40% the price of an original part.. If it were that easy then there would be no need for the real thing now would there.....
Its kinda like buying a fake rolex..
I have dealt with NR in the past and the quality isnt bad- The guys are pretty easy to deal with ......There are alot of other places selling replica parts that are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse...
Just dont go in there expecting factory quality fitment at 40% the price of an original part.. If it were that easy then there would be no need for the real thing now would there.....
Its kinda like buying a fake rolex..
i've dealt with NR in the past (and am using their GT2 bumper rite now). the quality isn't the worst, but the fiberglassing work will crack frequently because of shipping and need a bit of work 2 get it to fit right, its not an exact science.
their shipping and service isn't bad either
their shipping and service isn't bad either
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