follow up on the CGT joy ride can be found here
follow up on the CGT joy ride can be found here
I think you handled it better then most people would be able to. Have you thought about this:
Complaints the BBB Handles
Better Business Bureaus accept complaints that meet the following criteria:
The complaint includes the complainant's name and postal address;
The complaint includes the company's name and provides sufficient information to determine the company's location. A mail address or phone number (except for toll-free numbers) will ordinarily be sufficient;
The complaint seeks assistance from the Better Business Bureau;
The complaint is from a customer, or the customer's authorized representative, of the company complained about. Authorized representatives include lawyers and guardians or caretakers who are filing on behalf of minor children, the elderly, or persons with disabilities;
The complaint relates to a marketplace issue (see below for a list of complaints we cannot handle);
The complaint alleges a problem experienced with the services or products that the company provided or agreed to provide;
The complaint is not in litigation and has not been resolved by a previous court action, arbitration, or settlement between the parties; and
The complaint contains no abusive language.
The above complaints are handled by the local Better Business Bureau where the company is located.
Complaints the BBB Handles
Better Business Bureaus accept complaints that meet the following criteria:
The complaint includes the complainant's name and postal address;
The complaint includes the company's name and provides sufficient information to determine the company's location. A mail address or phone number (except for toll-free numbers) will ordinarily be sufficient;
The complaint seeks assistance from the Better Business Bureau;
The complaint is from a customer, or the customer's authorized representative, of the company complained about. Authorized representatives include lawyers and guardians or caretakers who are filing on behalf of minor children, the elderly, or persons with disabilities;
The complaint relates to a marketplace issue (see below for a list of complaints we cannot handle);
The complaint alleges a problem experienced with the services or products that the company provided or agreed to provide;
The complaint is not in litigation and has not been resolved by a previous court action, arbitration, or settlement between the parties; and
The complaint contains no abusive language.
The above complaints are handled by the local Better Business Bureau where the company is located.
I don't know weather to be shocked that the guy took the car out for a joyride, or for the fact that he thinks that it's, perfectly ok, with doing this. It's simply unbelievable that he does both these things and admits freely to it. If he had any decency left, he should write you an apology, post a copy on F-chat at least, and offer to share the cost of new tires, when you need them, as restitution.
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04-28-2022 12:38 AM