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AudiBull 10-19-2012 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by tqmonster (Post 3670049)
Looking at his posts from a technical standpoint, he brings up a lot of valid points. The fact that the only ones bashing him and his post are either UGR customers or wannabe nutswingers is telling and damming! What a joke, kinda like this video hilarious


How's it going 300? I see you brought your alter ego out to play. Maybe I should create a few to up my reputation too. Let the hate go...just let it go.

300 10-19-2012 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by AudiBull (Post 3670061)
How's it going 300? I see you brought your alter ego out to play. Maybe I should create a few to up my reputation too. Let the hate go...just let it go.

AudiBull, feel free to check with the board moderators as to whether I have an AE. Don't know how to do that. I am sure if you check the IP address they are not even close.

Don't even suggest that I brought this $ H i t up again because I said I would not, not to mention somebody else posting the pic of the tether mounting point with the web article to back it up further confirming what I have been saying.

I did not need to say another word, nor did I need to say anything negative about UR. I already proved my point to the Kool-Aid Brigade quite convincingly!

G' Daye Mayte!

AudiBull 10-19-2012 09:14 PM

And I figured you'd be replying as v10TT. It's not that hard to figure out. Three different people that have only posted on your threads or on the UGR thread to back you up, or to compliment you. Come on man. Tell you what, PROVE OTHERWISE. V10TT.300.tqmonster whoever you are.

tqmonster 10-19-2012 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by AudiBull (Post 3670061)
How's it going 300? I see you brought your alter ego out to play. Maybe I should create a few to up my reputation too. Let the hate go...just let it go.

Um, so anyone who agrees with 300 is his AE?! It's ok, I forgive you if this all you can come up with, must be running low on kool aidhilarious Funny how in the beginning, all you nut jockeys, were all talking $hit about how 300 didnt know $hit about the parachute issue to only back peddle once the picture was put up! Now "that wasnt the only reason why the car had the accident" :rolleyes: Keep spinning your bs, there's still a couple dildos left who will believe the hype;)

tqmonster 10-19-2012 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by AudiBull (Post 3670068)
And I figured you'd be replying as v10TT. It's not that hard to figure out. Three different people that have only posted on your threads or on the UGR thread to back you up, or to compliment you. Come on man. Tell you what, PROVE OTHERWISE. V10TT.300.tqmonster whoever you are.

Mods can easily do this, maybe you outta cry to them. I know I'm posting out of NY and that's my viper in my avatar... Vtt10 also has a tt viper and is on all the other viper boards. So the majority of my posts are here, so what? I will be at the next TI in the spring to spectate and possibly run my vert with the top down in the 6 sp challenge if you want to meet me and verify that I am not party of the holy trinityhilarious

AudiBull 10-19-2012 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by 300 (Post 3670066)
AudiBull, feel free to check with the board moderators as to whether I have an AE. Don't know how to do that. I am sure if you check the IP address they are not even close.

Don't even suggest that I brought this $ H i t up again because I said I would not, not to mention somebody else posting the pic of the tether mounting point with the web article to back it up further confirming what I have been saying.

I did not need to say another word, nor did I need to say anything negative about UR. I already proved my point to the Kool-Aid Brigade quite convincingly!

G' Daye Mayte!

I guess I'll have to put onebadsuperg (the account that posted said pic vidicating you) on the list of your alter egos since you only created him to help you talk s h i t to Peter. That makes four. How many more of you are there? This is some seriously butthurt motivated stuff here. What happened?

300 10-19-2012 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by AudiBull (Post 3670097)
I guess I'll have to put onebadsuperg (the account that posted said pic vidicating you) did you mean vindicating??? on the list of your alter egos since you only created him to help you talk s h i t to Peter. That makes four. How many more of you are there? This is some seriously butthurt motivated stuff here. What happened?

AudiD O U C He, you are the one who is going to be butthurt when I ask Divxextreme to put this thing to bed and put a stop to the the diarrhea squirting out of your mouth.

Your super sleuthing skills are MANTASTIC!hilarious
I am sure by the morning, you will analize the rest of this thread and come up with possible additional AE's and fantasies of you would like me to be.

To be honest, it's getting kind of creepy. First you 'help me make an avatar' where I am big Greek guy named "Leonidas", then I am a guy in NY, then a guy in Fla, then some guy who posted a pic and a link to an article that If I knew about it, I could have easily posted myself.

You do all this on a Friday night no less. Are you wacking off to who you think I may be with a nylon on your head like Linda Fiorentino in the movie "Jade"? Or are you tucking that thing back there like in Silence of the lambs?

Please leave me alone, I do not have any Kool-Aid for you!:eek:

AudiBull 10-19-2012 11:06 PM

Truth be told I've been across the street at my buddy's house. He and his wife just got home today from the hospital with their firstborn daughter. My wife is on a night rotation this week so I've been keeping him company, having a few beers and smoking a few congratulatory cigars. I brought my laptop over to take care of a few things and have been messing around on 6speed while he is watching a movie I have already seen. And yes, this is about the lamest Friday I have experienced in a while. Shame would probably be the best description for what i am feeling right now, but only because of all the time I have allowed you to steal from me.

Unlike you, my life is an open book. Feel free to contact a moderator. The fact that onebadsuperg,v10TT,tqmonster and 300 have all only ever posted on this thread or directly after you on the UGR thread to back you up is pretty obvious. That and the fact that they are the only ones using the terms "nutswinger" or "kool-aid' and sound exactly like you. I could be wrong maybe you've got a fan club. The sad part is you seem like a pretty intelligent guy who had some good points.

Mullet 10-20-2012 04:33 AM

I think we are at the WGAF point in whatever is being discussed.

UrbanHotrod 10-20-2012 07:12 AM

Guys i have Locked this and will be cleaning it up. If you guys want to trash talk then go ahead but do it on a PM or by email. I can certainly give you all my email address if you want to moderate the BS that comes out on a thread like this 20 odd pages of SURE BS.

The cars speak for them self on the track no matter what anyone says a TTG and Porsche TT, a GTR or a Vette or Viper or what ever are all very quick cars and WORK when they are 100%

Divexxtreme 10-20-2012 09:27 AM

While I'll be leaving this thread closed, 300 asked me to verify if he is connected to any other users on this forum. As far as I can tell, he is not.

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